Do I need to retain a lawyer for my case?
If you have been injured, there are many complex issues which may be involved in your case. Questions concerning the availability of insurance coverage, the amount of insurance coverage, the likelihood of success, comparative negligence, and a whole host of related issues are involved in most personal injury cases. If you have been injured, you should consult with an attorney to review the issues which are relevant to your case. Once a consultation has taken place, then you will be in a position to best determine if you need to retain an attorney.
How much will this case cost me to pursue?
Our office provides a free initial consultation in regards to personal injury cases. An initial appointment to discuss the facts of a potential case is free. We will advance the costs necessary to investigate and prosecute the claim. In the event we undertake formal representation, any costs advanced are reimbursed to us at the conclusion of the case, assuming we are able to make a recovery on your behalf. We are available to represent clients’ personal injury claims throughout the State of New York. If you have a question concerning your injury, call us toll free at (631) 423 – 1133 or email us
What is a contingency fee?
A contingency fee is a legal fee which is dependent upon the successful outcome of a claim. Most attorneys who specialize in bodily injury claims utilize a contingency fee agreement because injured clients often cannot afford to pay an attorney for service rendered on an hourly basis. If there is no recovery, we receive no fee.
What can I do to help my attorney?
First and foremost is to be honest in dealing with your lawyer. Do not try to anticipate problems with your case and withhold information. Your attorney should be able to handle most problems if he is aware of them early. It is also important that you make all medical appointments. Additionally, follow your attorney’s advice.
If I am injured, how long do I have to make a claim?
Depending on the circumstances of the accident, the amount of time will vary. In New York, generally there is a three (3) year period within which you must file a lawsuit for negligence claims such as car accidents or slip/trip and fall cases. If the responsible party involves a municipality, you may be required to file notice of a claim within a shorter period of time of the incident. Contact an attorney as soon as possible after you have been injured so that your situation can be fully investigated, and a proper determination can be made as to what type of action should be taken to preserve your legal rights.
If I suffer an injury what should I do first?
You should immediately seek medical attention as your health must be your primary concern. At the accident scene, a police officer may ask you if you want an ambulance to take you to a local hospital. Once your condition has been stabilized, you should contact an attorney to investigate your claim on your behalf.
What information must I provide?
It is important that you give us as much information as possible. We want to know everything
150 Broadhollow Road Suite 208
Melville, NY
NYC Office by Appointment only
The Woolworth Building
233 Broadway, Suite #2220
New York, NY 10279